Another Fence Friday
© 2015 Thousand Word Images by Dustin Abbott
It’s a little late this Friday, but I just got through processing this image and couldn’t resist sharing it. Fence Friday is a weird photography thing, but then again, many of us are weird! This is a simple image, but the right color, the right mood, and the right light make it just a little bit special for me. One final bit of irony – I use so much gear that often when I want to go out and just shoot for myself I choose very, very simple gear – like this old manual focus 50mm Zeiss lens. It rarely lets me down.
Technical Information: Canon EOS 6D, Zeiss Planar T* 1.7/50mm, Processed in Adobe Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC, and Alien Skin Exposure X (Coming Soon!)
This is my kind of image, I love it!! Question, I have problems establishing proper exposures when using off-brand legacy lenses on my Canon 5d3. Any tips on how you get them to work? Thanks.
John, if you are using an adapter that can change the “aperture” value, it will only expose correctly when set to to the maximum exposure (f/1.4, for example). That can throw off exposure value. If I want my adapter to register the proper exposure value, I’ll determine the correct shutter speed with the adapter set to wide open (the lens can be stopped down) and then change the adapter’s aperture value to whatever aperture the lens is actually set at.