Yongnuo 23mm F1.4 DA DSM WL Pro Review | Best Bang for Buck 23mm?
Photographer Dustin Abbott shares a deep dive review of the excellent Yongnuo YN 23mm F1.4S DA DSM Pro from their "Commander Series". | This video is sponsored by Fantom Tracker. Visit https://store.fantomwallet.com and use code DUSTIN20 to get 20% off | Read the Text Review: | Visit the Image Gallery | Purchase the Yonguno 23mm F1.4 @ B&H Photo https://bhpho.to/3W3dzBH | Amazon https://amzn.to/4a4krVa | Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/3DT8Tb6 | Amazon UK https://amzn.to/3Pnb3m3 | Amazon Germany https://amzn.to/40jrbev Purchase the Yongnuo 33mm F1.4 @ B&H Photo https://bhpho.to/4hYvrXN | Amazon https://amzn.to/3Omqg6g | Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/3OmqrhW | Amazon UK https://amzn.to/3OixY1o | Amazon Germany https://amzn.to/492c6Ri Check out the DA Merch here: https://bit.ly/TWIMerch | Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/dustinabbott | On the Web: http://dustinabbott.net/ | Sign up for my Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1RHvUNp | Instagram: http://bit.ly/DLAinsta | Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nuUUeH | Flickr: http://bit.ly/1UcnC0B | 500px: http://bit.ly/1Sy2Ngu Follow Craig @ https://www.instagram.com/craigstoffersen/ Want to support this channel? Use these affiliate links to shop at: B&H Photo: http://bhpho.to/1TA0Xge Adorama: https://howl.link/nt4zdz1goa7ql Camera Canada: http://bit.ly/DLACameraCan Sony Canada: https://www.thesonyshop.ca/?ref=abbott Amazon: https://amzn.to/3HrY64d Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3qG1p18 Ebay: http://bit.ly/DustineBay Into the AM Clothing: https://bit.ly/intotheAMda and use code DUSTIN10 for 10% off Fioboc Clothing: https://tinyurl.com/FiobocDA20 and us code DUSTIN20 for 20% off Make a donation via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/dustinTWI ============================= Table of Contents: