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Niagara Falls Panorama


It was a privilege to get to view the whole Niagara basin from the Skylon tower in Niagara Falls, Ontario.  I stitched together two images to get this stunning panoramic view of the region.  To the left is Horseshoe Falls and in the deep horizon, Buffalo, New York.  You can see part of Niagara Falls, Canada in the lower right corner.  In the middle of image is Goat Island, which divides the flow coming from the Niagara River (which is fed from Lake Huron).  To the left is the American Falls and Niagara Falls, New York.  You can even see a bit of the Earth’s curvature in this shot.

Technical info: Canon EOS 5D MK2, Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS, Processed in Adobe Lightroom 4, toned in Alien Skin Exposure, Image stitching and signature added in Photoshop CS5


Tags: Alien Skin Exposure, American Falls, Beautiful, Bodies of water, Canada, Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS, Canon EOS 5DMKII, Composite Image, Deep Color, Deep Depth of Field, Diminishing Perspective, Dustin Abbott, Full Frame, Golden Hour, Horseshoe Falls, Hoya Circular Polarizer, Island, Lake Ontario, Marine scenes, Mist, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Panorama, Rapids, Romance, Summer, Sunset, Thousand Word Images, Travel, USA, Vacation, Whitewater, Niagara River, Lake Huron, New York, Goat Island

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