Most of us love to travel, but I think that photographers must love it even more. The idea of going to a new place and having brand new (perhaps exotic!) things to capture is always exhilarating. I’ve been blessed to do a bit of travel and have discovered many beautiful things to take photographs of. I hope these galleries transport you to new places!
March 10, 2025
A Visit To Sigma’s Aizu Factory
The day started off with soft pastels in the sky, but before long the fat, heavy snowflakes that Aizu, Japan is famous for started to fall. To judge from the amount of snow weighing down roofs and banked along the sidewalks, it was hardly the first snowfall of the winter. Aizu is famous for skiing, […] [Read more...]
March 6, 2019
BAGSMART Xpedition Modular Backpack Review
The current trend among photography backpack makers seems to be the idea of a modular backpack that can be reconfigured for different purposes – travel, business, photography, or some blend of the two. I can understand the logic. I own 8 different camera bags/backpacks at the moment, because different situation [Read more...]
April 18, 2018
The Château Laurier: When Luxury Came to Ottawa
Who says you can’t mix business with pleasure? One of the best parts of what I do is the opportunity to take the lovely Mrs. A and a camera or two into new places and experiences. My camera has opened up a number of doors into some special places. Most recently that included a […] [Read more...]
April 15, 2017
Staying in the World’s Largest Log Cabin: Château Montebello
Staying in the World’s Largest Log Cabin A Visit to Le Château Montebello There are a few evocative things in the minds of human beings. Perhaps it is a white sandy beach along azure waters on an island somewhere. Maybe it the glitz and nightlife of one of the world’s great cities. But at least […] [Read more...]
March 1, 2017
A Visit to the Fairmont Tremblant
Those of you who regularly follow my work might know that I have a bit of a love affair with Mont Tremblant, Quebec. I’ve visited the area a number of different times in a variety of seasons, stayed at four different properties, and always leave with a smile on my face and great memories. […] [Read more...]
February 3, 2017
Vanguard Heralder 51T Rolling Backpack Review
Vanguard Heralder 51T Review A few months ago I flew to a different country to shoot a wedding. I needed to pack wedding related gear, which for me meant two DSLRs with 24-70mm f/2.8 and 70-200mm f/2.8 zoom lenses along with a few primes (macro and portrait primes). I also carried a collapsible reflector, two […] [Read more...]
January 14, 2017
Picturing Arizona: A Photo Gallery of the Southwest
Picturing Arizona I live in Eastern Ontario, Canada. You can see into the Province of Quebec across the Ottawa River from my house. While it is white and cold out there at the moment, there are many times throughout the year where it is very green and very lush. It’s a far cry from the […] [Read more...]
August 1, 2016
Photography Destination: Mont Tremblant, Quebec
Check me out on: Google+: | Facebook: | Twitter: | Flickr: | 500px: | Sign Up for My Newsletter : There are a number of “in vogue” photography destinations at the moment: Iceland and the Patagonia region in Chile immediately spring to mind. But not every photographer can afford the expense of such a trip. [&hel [Read more...]