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(EOS) M is for Morning

Dustin Abbott

October 15th, 2013

© 2013 Thousand Word Images by Dustin Abbott

It’s a sad fact, but I have driven by scenes that could have been some of my greatest landscape work. It is the curse of being on a schedule, being responsible, and having others that depend on me. What a delight it was to be in that situation on Saturday, but with just a few extra minutes and an understanding passenger. I was able to stop a few times and capture some incredible landscapes. The effect of the low fog transformed the rising sun into a massive, glowing ball of fire (ummm, kind of like it really is!). The illumination from it was simply fabulous. This image features a few exposures, mostly to enable the full range of that sun without it blowing out, and I am very pleased with the nuance that remains, particularly for the smaller APS-C sensor of the EOS M.

I have just posted the review of the Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 along with many pictures that I have not shared if you want to take a look here:

Technical information Canon EOS M, Canon EF-M 18-55mm STM, Processed in Adobe Lightroom 5, Photoshop CC, and Alien Skin Exposure 5 and Snap Art 4

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