Photography Adventures
August 20, 2020
Traveling with the Tamron 28-200mm RXD
When I reviewed the Tamron 28-200mm F2.8-5.6 RXD in June of 2020, I theorized that it might just be the best travel option available on Sony. I put that to the test recently and traveled to Mont Tremblant, Quebec (one of my favorite spots), and used the A071 (28-200mm) almost exclusively on that trip. I […] [Read more...]
June 3, 2017
In Praise of Excellence
In Praise of Excellence Don’t get me wrong; I do love to post-process images. It is that second dimension of modern photography where you can take a good photo and make it great. About four years ago I wrote a series of articles for Alien Skin Exposure’s blog on how to take an image from […] [Read more...]
April 15, 2017
Staying in the World’s Largest Log Cabin: Château Montebello
Staying in the World’s Largest Log Cabin A Visit to Le Château Montebello There are a few evocative things in the minds of human beings. Perhaps it is a white sandy beach along azure waters on an island somewhere. Maybe it the glitz and nightlife of one of the world’s great cities. But at least […] [Read more...]
March 1, 2017
A Visit to the Fairmont Tremblant
Those of you who regularly follow my work might know that I have a bit of a love affair with Mont Tremblant, Quebec. I’ve visited the area a number of different times in a variety of seasons, stayed at four different properties, and always leave with a smile on my face and great memories. […] [Read more...]
January 14, 2017
Picturing Arizona: A Photo Gallery of the Southwest
Picturing Arizona I live in Eastern Ontario, Canada. You can see into the Province of Quebec across the Ottawa River from my house. While it is white and cold out there at the moment, there are many times throughout the year where it is very green and very lush. It’s a far cry from the […] [Read more...]
November 25, 2016
Just Add Snow
What a difference a week can make! We had been enjoying an unseasonably mild November, and just last Thursday (November 17th) I was out for my “day off hike” (I try to get out into the woods and decompress on my day off). Following a series of trails I arrived at a location where beavers […] [Read more...]
August 1, 2016
Photography Destination: Mont Tremblant, Quebec
Check me out on: Google+: | Facebook: | Twitter: | Flickr: | 500px: | Sign Up for My Newsletter : There are a number of “in vogue” photography destinations at the moment: Iceland and the Patagonia region in Chile immediately spring to mind. But not every photographer can afford the expense of such a trip. [&hel [Read more...]
June 23, 2015
Capital Connections – (Ottawa, Canada)
Canada’s capital city of Ottawa is relatively unknown around the world when compared to more prominent Canadian cities like Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. Its relatively modest infrastructure makes it unlikely to be a destination for the Olympics or any such major international event in the near future, but a number of comp [Read more...]